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Addicted smoker can’t stop

Aug 2008


19 min

Andrea L gives us a great description of her smoking career, beginning at age 17 and loving it from the first moment, she says she learned to smoke very quickly! After that first cigarette, she simply couldn’t stop! She describes the joy of learning long drags and holds, thick exhales and the first cigarette of the day. She smokes while she chats, in her own words, she is fucking addicted!

This clip is highly cinema-graphed giving you a great look at Andrea’s classy smoking a fancy red dress. Enjoy watching her taking a break from shopping to smoke in public, enjoying her cigarettes, crushing the butts on the sidewalk with her sexy white shoes! Then get up close and personal as Andrea puffs away in the studio as she discusses what feelings smoking gives her. Pleasure, enjoyment, excitement are all included.

Then, in the bathroom, she cant help but light up again! This time she chooses to enjoy a Pall Mall as she does her makeup in front of the mirror – this scene includes some great dangling, long holds and playful exhales.

…Story continues

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Movie code: ssw06-andrea-1