Nuria: Smoking girl becomes a woman
Nuria: Smoking girl becomes a woman
Nuria: Smoking girl becomes a woman
Nuria: Smoking girl becomes a woman
Nuria: Smoking girl becomes a woman
Nuria: Smoking girl becomes a woman
Nuria: Smoking girl becomes a woman
Nuria: Smoking girl becomes a woman
Nuria: Smoking girl becomes a woman
Nuria: Smoking girl becomes a woman
Nuria: Smoking girl becomes a woman
Nuria: Smoking girl becomes a woman
Nuria: Smoking girl becomes a woman
Nuria: Smoking girl becomes a woman
Nuria: Smoking girl becomes a woman
Nuria: Smoking girl becomes a woman
Nuria: Smoking girl becomes a woman
Nuria: Smoking girl becomes a woman
Nuria: Smoking girl becomes a woman
Nuria: Smoking girl becomes a woman
Nuria: Smoking girl becomes a woman


Modella: Nuria

star star star star star  18 opinioni

Video hd


Durata: 26 min.

HD: 703 MB / low: 333 MB

Nuria: Smoking girl becomes a woman

Video Preview

During her smoking on this video, Nuria drops words in Catalan (English subtitles) putting into words the sensations she experiences while smoking cigarette: "the way the cigarette burns in my mouth…", "I love the way it unhooks from my lips", "real tobacco taste…", "how it enters and how it goes out", "tickle inside…", "it makes me feel so relaxed", "Indescribable in words… it must be felt".

Nuria started to smoke when she was 15 years old, and her love story with cigarettes already lasts 21 years, at the time of this video depiction.

Pack-per-day Nuria, reappears on SmokingSweeties 8 years after her debut. Do you remember that charming smoking girl who shot smoke rings like there was no tomorrow? Well, she has become quite a lovely woman, and today she shares her lovely presence while proudly smoking 6 cork cigarettes along 5 scenes.

Questo video si può scaricare sia in alta definizione HD-1080p sia in HD-720p. Codec del video: MP4 (h264).
Misura: HD: 703 MB / low: 333 MB.
Codice del Video Clip ssw25-nuria
Questo video è incluso nel Volume 25

18 opinioni 

One of my favorites

star star star star star
3 anni fa, per Jacob
"Can’t believe she’s back! This is one of a handful of girls I was really hoping for a follow up with on the site. Love her big smile with those yellowed teeth and that bit of extra weight she has now. Can’t wait to watch!"

Continuing Trend?

star star star star star
3 anni fa, per Sdmf
"It was great to see Nuria again and she has matured gracefully. I'd love for this to be a continuing trend of catching up with some of the greatest older models such as Alazne, Raquel, Jen, Valeria, and Mireya. Thanks to all involved for making the first of what I hope are many follow up clips to come."

Great Video

star star star star star
3 anni fa, per Jan
"Nuria looks so good! I also have the old videos and she looks even better now.
And smokes beautifully
I really like to see models coming back, there are so many great models on the site.
I just hope we don't have to wait as long for a new video again"

En català per catalans

star star star star star
3 anni fa, per Mario Morelato
"Anys fa que espero la seva reaparició! Amb models com la "Núria" no fa falta veure previews per saber si el video serà interessant o no. Segueix amb la seva mirada mediterrània, càlida, tendre... I un estil exquisit i únic. Milions de gràcies, Mr. F!"

re: En català per catalans

3 anni fa, per Anonymous
"I disagree. A video preview is a great indicator of lighting, and smoking technique. I'm looking to see if she has maintained the smoking pace from her earlier videos so I can determine if she was "coached" to do so or genuinely smokes with intensity. These days a single-dragging lady, no doubles, lung holds etc, doesn't do much for me. Also the lighting on these videos has traditionally been good, but lately hit or miss."

re: re: En català per catalans

3 anni fa, per Jacob
"I would say the intensity of her smoking and the quality of this one is down again. The very small amount of dialogue is not interesting and repetitive with no updates on anything with her and all the scenes feel like the same thing. She was so exited and had so much to say in her interview video you could connect with her and that’s what I was hoping for with this one."

What about young girls?

star star star star star
3 anni fa, per TenYearsFan
"Nuria is a very talented smoker, one of the most skilled on this site! I haven't downloaded the video yet but I know I will eventually do it. However, for me the "smoking S-kills" are only one aspect of a pleasant video. I know we can't all agree about the ideal video but what I personally prefer is young and cute girls (as depicted in the videos of Ariadna, Anna M.C. - best girl ever -, Rym, etc.). I also appreciate when girls are doing ... More

re: What about young girls?

3 anni fa, per Chris
"Totally agree with you.
I want ANNA MC back! she was so young in the videos posted here. I am so curious to see its evolution. Whether his body has changed because of the tobacco. Her face and her breasts were so wonderful ... a downright sexy young lady !!!! and seeing her smoking, damaging her body drives me crazy every time I watch her videos.
Anna MC please !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Buena fumadora pero dialogo pobre

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3 anni fa, per Jaime Castro
"Nuria es una gran fumadora, y las tecnicas de iluminacion y sonido como siempre son de 10, pero en cuanto a los dialogos repite demasiadas veces "que bien"... Ahi podria haber contado alguna cosa mas sobre sus habitos con el tabaco en vez de repetir todo el rato "que bien..."."

Nice to have her back + more rings or tricks in SSW, please???

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3 anni fa, per Snpslvr
"As always, it's great to see Nuria, whose last video (from 2015) was clearly top 5 on this website's history. Over time she's changed her physique (although she's still as cute), and I like how her smoking style has barely changed, for it was amazing to see such a delicate girl smoke the way she did back then, especially with those amazing smoke rings, which she shows few times throughout this new video, but less than I hoped for.... More

Nuria is a woman!

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3 anni fa, per Women CraveCigarettes
"When in doubt, buy the video! Ofcourse I also have the other two older ones from Nuria, but damn! She is a woman now!
A perfect example of how some women get more beautiful when they are a little older. And smoking she does!
It is true she often says similar things. Very sexy things, true, but a little more would have been better, as we are curious about her now!
My favorite part is when she comes in running towards her bag t... More


star star star star star
3 anni fa, per Kosarman
"Aixi m'agrada, fent pais, hi ha poc diàleg però s'agraeix igualment.
I personalment la he trovat guapíssima aquest cop, i es que per mi no cal supermodels ni noies molt maquillades, com més natural millor.
Moltes gràcies."

Nuria is always 5/5

star star star star star
3 anni fa, per JS
"Oh wow, what a unexpected lovely surprise :D I was always a huge fan of her past videos, and she is still just beautiful! Such lovely eyes, that twinkle with pleasure when she smokes... So glad you brought her back, and i agree with earlier posters - i would love to see updates from more of the other SSW legends, personal wish: Sheila, Rym, Anna M.C, Dafne, Estefania, Elsa, Paula, Franchezca... etc.

But this is Nuria's moment ... More


star star star star star
Un anno fa, per Sreaf
"Based on what I can see of the videos before and this one, Nuria has stopped smoking. This is why she gained some weigth probably and why her technique is now so boring. She keeps saying it tickles and it feels good as if it is her first cigarette in years. She no longer smokes regulary obviously. The ashtray is empty, her fingers are no longer yellow etc"

Best ever

star star star star star
Un anno fa, per Gio
"The very best video you've ever released. Every scene is perfect, Nuria is a dream. Would love to see more of her as she ages like a fine wine"

Volle uitademen

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3 anni fa, per Bezemer
"Zeer mooi top vooral die volle uitademen daar hou ik van zeer mooi jammer dat er geen uitblazen uit haar neus tussen zitten zat in haar vorige vidioos wel hou ik persoonlijk erg van ben de laatste tijd de oudere modellen ook gaan waderen door hun rookstel ik ben nu 29 vandaar mischien

Ik hoop haar nog een keer te zien met Rosi en ariana mijn 2 favorite aleen volgens mij rookt ariana niet meer dan hoop ik dat ze er een niew mijsj... More

Beautiful But Bland

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3 anni fa, per Brian Springer
"I find Nuria sexier than her first clip. Love her smile and her hair. And of course her chest!!! What I find most disappointing is the lack of variety in her inhales and exhales. I can not review this without comparing it to her previous clip where she is smoking in a bar. Gone are the smoke rings, double drags and nose exhale drifts. With so many fans of smoking tricks in your customer base, why would Smoking Sweeties not at least encourage the ... More

Whistling sound in her voice.

star star star star star
3 anni fa, per Eleuthero
"I didn't buy the video but in the free preview video when she speaks she makes an annoying whistling sound. It's unfortunate because she's a great smoker and I love the fact that she's heavier. I just can't tolerate that ever-present whistle."