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Leticia: Chain smoking and dangling

Jun 2008


8 min

Leticia (18) enjoys smoking and dangling her Luckies very much indeed – her inhales are really deep as she smokes like a kid eating candy, she can’t get enough.  This girl smokes four cigarettes as she shows us how she likes to wake up with a cigarette first thing in the morning.

Is hard to believe that a girl who hated smokers and cigarettes one month ago, now is highly addicted to smoking. She doesn’t like to be without smoke in her lungs, she needs so badly her tar and nicotine so she shows us how she dangles her cigarettes fully inhaling all the vicious smoke that the stick delivers her slowly,  while lying on her back, until the cigarette has become into ashes.  There are some nice coughs in this video.  You can also see Leticia’s stunning figure in her revealing outfit.

This video has been filmed in her bedroom, the place where she has been practicing to smoke during the last weeks for endless hours.

Movie code: ssw05-leticia-3
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Movie code: ssw05-leticia-3
