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Patricia: Hot Gold Dress

Jul 2008


6 min

I meet many of the girls on this site in the bars in town, so I thought it would be good to video Patricia where she feels at home. In Spain we are not allowed to smoke in bars, but everyone does, so it is great for smoking sightings. The women are hot too, just like Patricia.

I asked her to come to the shoot dressed as she would go out, and she came in this dress. It’s awesome, she’s so hot – can you imagine her in your local bar?

She smokes her cigarettes in many different locations, and does her normal repetoir of tricks. She also does some dancing while dangling her cigarette, she looks great doing this! She is such a sexy girl and loves to flirt with the camera – if you look carefully you might even get a glance up that oh so shirt skirt…

Movie code: ssw06-patricia-2
21 Images
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Movie code: ssw06-patricia-2
