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Streetlife 5 – Cheek hollowing drags
I saw this girl in the market and just had to video her – she does the most amazing cheek hollowing drags I have ever seen! It looks like when she drags she would love to inhale the whole cigarette in one go! She is a heavy smoker as you can see and she chain smokes two cigarettes in this video, as well as talking about many aspects of her addiction: when she was 14, she had a boyfriend who was 6 years older than her, and he made her to start to smoke.
She is filmed strolling around the lanes of Barcelona which give the video a great candid feel – please note however that due to filming outside the lighting and sound is not up to the standard of the ‘studio’ videos.
Movie code: ssw07-streetlife-5
20 Images…Story continues
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Movie code: ssw07-streetlife-5
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