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Victoria: Hungry for Nicotine

Victoria, 34 y.o. pack per day smoker, is a perfect body petite who works as clothing saleswoman in a classy department store downtown. She started to smoke regularly at her early teens, developing a hungry smoking style which is topped with her signature nostril exhales.

Along the full video, Victoria smokes 10 cigarettes with ease along the 5 included scenes, including chain smoking walks on the treadmill with open dress shirts revealing her fully loaded boobies. The chain smoking scene on the pub bar, while wearing semitransparent t-shirts and jeans is also notorious. Also the chain-smoking scene on the bathroom while talking about her habit.

Her cigarette flashing embers are clearly heard along the full video, as the pristine sound of her lungs inhaling the smoke.

Movie code: ssw26-victoria
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Movie code: ssw26-victoria
