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Ajda and Masha: Eating and smoking

May 2008


13 min

These two smoking models are sisters, and know that eating vegetables and smoking makes a woman skinny. Their obsession to get thin make them to mix cigarettes with food during their lunch, so they eat less and get quickly full, specially with smoke, tar and nicotine.

Ajda is a powerful chain smoking girl in real life, she is always hungry for nicotine, and her sister Masha will soon follow her steps. The conversation develops during the video, as well as the rate of smoking. During the last part of the video they compare the sensation of smoking like having several orgasms on their lungs.

…’a cigarette is better than a man, at least a cigarette knows how to treat a woman’… Enjoy their feminine conversation, and the incredible smoking power of Ajda.

Movie code: ssw05-ajda-masha-3
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Movie code: ssw05-ajda-masha-3
