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Dalila: Pulp Vicious (Part 2)

Dec 2008


6 min

This video continues from the first Dalila video, in the same sexy, erotic vein…she’s taken her top off how and slipped her bra straps down her shoulders, her bra is barely holding in her tits as she lies on the floor, rubbing her crotch on the floor as she dangles her cigarette – its easy to imagine this smoking goddess on top of top after a night in one of the dimly lit, smokey bars downtown.

She needs another cigarette to stop the endless craving for nicotine, and another after that…licking the filter, luxuriating in the rich thick smoke…her blackend lungs need their smoke and she’s got a similar craving down below…  She can keep going all night, the question is, can you keep up?

…Story continues

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Movie code: ssw08-dalila-2