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Jess: Snap Queen’s Smoking lesson

Nov 2008


10 min

This video features the English beautiful Jess. She is going to teach you how to smoke properly, inhaling the smoke deeply. Jess will smoke four cigarettes for you. She’ll be wearing two quite different, yet revealing outfits.

The producer of this video picked the right teacher because Jess is an outstanding smoker with a sexy British accent. You will see lots of snap inhales, french inhales and your teacher will tell you again and again that it is very important to inhale deeply. Why? So the smoke can do its job deep in your lungs! Holding the smoke in your lungs for a couple of seconds adds to the pleasure. Your teacher is very good at this and she will show you how it is done correctly!!

Since Jess is not pleased with your progress she will light up a second cigarette to show you again. For the grand finale of your lesson she smokes two cigarettes at once. The inhales are even deeper since you get twice as much nicotine.

Jess is doing a great job teaching. You will get the most pleasure out of your cigarettes when you follow her directions!

…Story continues

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Movie code: ssw08-jess-2